Impact Directories

Estabished in 1996 and headquartered in Boise, Idaho, Impact Directories is a full-service independent publisher of local print and on-line yellow and white page telephone directories/phone books designed ot meet the needs of both businesses and residents.

You can find any business in Yakima and the nearby area even if you don’t happen to have your Yakima yellow pages or Yakima white pages Impact Directories handy. Because we wan to provide a valuable services to our users, we have created an online directory of all of the businesses that advertise in our Yakima yellow or white pages.

Our job is to help local consumers find the businesses that they need. Now, it’s easy to do so from any computer. Just type in the name of a business or search by type of business. Once you hit “enter” you’ll find just what you need.

The online directory is beneficial for both users for the Yakima white pages and Yakima yellow pages and for our advertisers. It’s just one more way that we work hard to serve our community.

Click Here for our website.

Mailing/physical Address
1251 N. Cole Rd.,
Boise, ID 83704

Phone: 1-866-314-3643

Click Here for contact form